স্থাপিত ১৩৮১
A Bengali Religious and Cultural Organization
Established 1974
✉︎ contact@bichitra.org ∙ ☎ (248) 776-6569 ∙

Path Bhaban - Bangla School
Snapshot of Path Bhaban Activities

Bengali or Bangla is the state language of West Bengal, India. It is also the national language of Bangladesh. The present Bangladesh was known as East Bengal. Both West Bengal and East Bengal were parts of Bengal, located in the eastern part of Indian sub-continent. British divided India as well as Bengal before they left India. Bengali or Baangla is the seventh largest language, spoken by over 200 million people, which is over three percent of the world population.
Path Bhaban is the Bengali Learning Center for language and culture of the Bengali heritage of the Indian sub-continent. Path Bhaban doors are open to all interested individuals.
The Bengali teaching started in Detroit Area in 1974. After going through many difficulties, Path Bhaban was established in 1983 by two individuals; Late Manju Basu and Smt. Madhuri Hazra.
The Vision of Path Bhaban is to create an information base of the Bengali language and culture in the community through the Bengali Learning Center. The Path Bhaban community members will provide and share the heritage of the Bengali language and culture.
The Mission of Path Bhaban is to expose the interested community members to the Bengali culture utilizing the language. Path Bhaban would like the community members, especially the people with Bengali background, to feel proud of the Bengali heritage.
Path Bhaban curriculum includes variety of courses. A student at Path Bhaban is moved through various courses of different levels, depending on the background and interest of the student. The courses are outlined to fit the structure, and are being reviewed continuously to meet the interest of the student.
In addition to the regular courses, Path Bhaban offers classes in performing arts, such as arts and crafts; learning songs, dance, and drama. Path Bhaban also offers a library. Usually these classes are scheduled right after the Bengali language class. Path Bhaban is run by volunteer teachers and organizers without any remuneration.
Path Bhaban Coordinator:
Anindya Roy
Anindya Roy
Sumita Roy
Principal Educator:
Tanima Basu
Associate Educator:
Tapas Dey
Assistant Educator:
Paromita Banerjee